The Pythagorean Sangha Series
The Pythagorean Sangha Series seeks to stress the application of theory to practice in individual life. Drawing upon the vital quintessence of the Upanishadic-Platonic tradition, the Sangha publishes time-honoured texts of universal appeal for the sake of lifelong learning in daily life. Intense exploration of metaphysical and ethical concepts forms the basis for self-enquiry and deliberation in thought and speech. Contemplation and honest self-examination are fused to summon the untapped potentials of humanity while cultivating a sense of the sacred in respect to sound, speech and silence.

The Jewel in the Lotus
Edited by Raghavan Iyer

The Bhagavad Gita with The Uttara Gita
Edited by Raghavan Iyer

The Dhammapada with The Udanavarga
Edited by Raghavan Iyer

The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi
by Raghavan Iyer