Sacred Texts
This series of fresh renderings of sacred texts from the world’s chief religions is an inspiring testament to the universality of the human spirit. Each text is accompanied by an instructive essay as an aid to reflection. In the ancient world, before the proliferation of print, seekers of wisdom thought it a great privilege to learn a text, and sought oral instruction from a Teacher in the quest for enlightenment. The scriptures of all traditions are guides to the attainment of serene continuity of consciousness through the practice of self-study, self-transcendence and self-regeneration in daily life.

Sacred Teachings of the Sikhs

From the Final Teachings of the Buddha

The Sermon of Zoraster

Essential Wisdom of Pythagoras

The Mystical Meaning of Genesis

A Garland of Ancient Hindu Wisdom

The Essence of Islamic Mysticism

The Jaina Path of Freedom