Change and Continuity
Twelve illuminating essays treat the subject of death and the prospect of conscious immortality for every human being. “The Post Mortem States” and “The Sutratma” by H.P. Blavatsky indicate the complex aftermath of physical death and the principle of monadic continuity that determines involuntary and voluntary reincarnation. “The Desire to Live” indicates the tenacity of tanha, the craving for embodied existence. “Adeptship” and “Individuality and Nirvana” by D.K. Mavalankar examine the conditions neccesary for attaining nirvana and dispel common misconceptions.
“The Sheaths of the Soul” and “Upanishads on Rebirth” by W.Q. Judge consider the diverse causes of involuntary incarnation. “Kamaloka and Devachan” and “Time in Devachan” provide a detailed account of the post mortem states experienced by most individuals. Robert Crosbie probes the self-conception of human beings and the philosophical implications of conscious immortality in “Man, Visible and Invisible” and “What Survives After Death?”
K.S. Lakshminarayan concludes the volume with “Death and Immortality”, a lucid exposition of Tibetan Buddhist concepts of immortality and rebirth. The essay points to the critical importance of the moment of death for post mortem existence and rebirth.
92 p. Sewn, softbound with dust jacket
ISBN 0-88695-037-6
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